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Autumn Workshop 9 October 2021

‘Impact of Covid-19 on children and young people with visual impairment and their families’ 


Professor Jillian Rickly ‘Life in lockdown: living with visual impairment during the first Covid-19 lockdown 

Ida Sødahl Utne ‘The digital life. A qualitative study of inclusion and digital communication among youth and young adults with severe visual impairment’ 

Dr Tiiana Battistin and Silvia Trentin ‘Distance support and online intervention to blind and visually impaired children during the pandemic’ 

Dr Fionna Bathgate ‘Mindulness’ 

Sally Painter ‘Parental home vision testing of children during Covid-19 pandemic’ 

21 November

Autumn Workshop 21 November 2020

26 November

Autumn Workshop 26 November 2022